“The only thing that is constant is CHANGE”
                                                                                                 – Heraclitus, Greek Philosopher

From changing business models to evolving consumer behaviors to advanced trends in technology, today’s marketers have to perfectly balance various elements of digital marketing in order to create an impactful and effective campaign. Staying updated on these changes is the only way in which a brand can deliver a seamless and impressive experience to all its customers.

Every year, new and impressive products/trends help brands to create powerful, dynamic and engaging mediums of connections with their target market. The year 2014 saw various advancements in social media, mobile communications and digital technology. So while the basic fundamentals of marketing remain the same, there is a constant change in the marketing landscape, requiring digital marketers to be updated so that they can remain ahead of their competition. Here are 5 trends that we feel will impact the field of digital marketing in 2015.

Here are 5 trends that we feel will impact the field of digital marketing in the coming year.

#DigitalMediaTrend No.1

Mobile communication will become even more powerful and impactful

The Potential

The age that we are living in today is rightly called the ‘Smartphone Age’. One in every five persons in the world owns a smartphone, so it is but obvious that every aspect of marketing will soon become mobile. According to studies, one billion people will access the internet through mobile phones in 2015. So don’t make the mistake of spending millions of dollars on creating the perfect brand story and structuring the brand DNA, only to ruin it by a complicated and lazy mobile experience. Also watch out for ‘Mobile Pay’, which is all set to become colossal in 2015, especially after the entry of ‘Apple Pay’ in the market.

Milking the Opportunity

Brands have to consider mobile as a medium of direct and impactful communication, rather than just an aspect of digital marketing. Don’t plan campaigns and content for desktop/laptop and then scale them down to mobile. Create solutions that will enable your target audience to experience all aspects of digital marketing from Facebook posts to marketing mails on their phones, in a convenient and engaging manner.

#DigitalMediaTrend No.2

Video is much more than YouTube with other mediums like Vine and Instagram becoming popular for video sharing

The Potential

If we were five years into the future, what do you think – would you be watching this article or reading it? This is an interesting question as consumption of videos continues to rise every single day. According to Cisco, video will account for more than 69% of consumer internet traffic by 2017. The success stories of viral videos are remarkable and that is why many digital marketers feel that video is definitely the future of content marketing.

Milking the Opportunity

Creative video, not only in terms of creation but also strategy, is how brands must approach video production. Strike the emotional chords, engage the viewers and they will definitely share your video with others and spend longer hours on your website interacting with your brand. It goes without saying that a creative video is one of the best tools for any social media campaign or SEO exercise. Also, with the possibility of creating shorter length videos on Vine and Instagram, the production cost can shrink dramatically, allowing even small and mid-sized companies to invest in this medium successfully.

#DigitalMediaTrend No.3

Brands will shift from globalization to personalization, for better consumer connect.

The Potential

If brands truly want to expand their customer base globally, they must learn to connect with the local roots. In its white paper- ‘The Balancing Act: Getting Personalization Right’, Yahoo says, “Content personalization represents the fulcrum balancing the consumer ‘need to know’ with their ‘want to know.” Today, consumers too have understood the value of personalized content. According to web analytic company Webtrends, an average consumer has 260 unopened emails in their inbox, 56 of those from brands. 60% say they would open those messages if the subject line was personalized. That is why creating a digital experience that has a strong relevancy factor will help your brand improve its engagement and brand advocacy in a substantial manner.

Milking the Opportunity

The competition in the economy is assassinating and it becomes extremely arduous to retain the customers. Hence, focus on creating personalized relations with your target audience. When you connect with a customer on a personal level, you create an engaged and loyal customer. And a loyal customer is a prized possession for a brand! In the coming year, focus on personalized solutions so that you can empower and strengthen your brand in a comprehensive manner.

#DigitalMediaTrend No.4

Wearable technology will gain more prominence

The Potential

Smartwatches and Fitness Bands shot to stardom in the year 2014. From Apple to Samsung, we have witnessed a wide array of smartwatches from major manufactures and brands. The wearable tech trend will continue through the next year as well with many more innovative products being introduced in this category. According to research from tech analysts Gartner, the market for smartwatches will increase from 18 million this year to 21 million in the next year.

Milking the Opportunity

The future of wearable technology is indeed bright. The next few years will see the emergence of ‘smart clothing’ as well. This is because consumers are ready to integrate technology into their daily lives with wearables in all forms and types. Data from Garter states that smart clothing will go from practically non-existent sales this year to more than 10 million in 2015 and going up to 26 million in the year after next. That is why there is a need to personalize these gadgets so that it benefits the users to become more productive and efficient. With all signs showing wearable technology as the next big thing, businesses that want to remain competitive in the future must prepare for the next wave of wearable technologies with strategies to leverage their value for both employees and consumers. After all, it does look like the future will be one in which everyone wears their business on their sleeve.

#DigitalMediaTrend No.5

Transparency will become the most important tool/aspect of marketing.

The Potential

Consumers today are extremely aware, discerning and clever, given the wide range of sources of information available to them. They are empowered to influence a brand in multifarious ways, especially through the use of social media. Social media has given consumers an upper hand in voicing their opinions and thoughts about a particular brand/product. They can now use social media to demand better products/services while at the same time appreciate those brands that exceed their expectations. Not exaggerating, but a tweet today can initiate the process of making or breaking a brand.

The idea of complete transparency in operations/ products/services is something that few brands accept and many brands still continue to resist or shun. But with the growing power and knowledge of the consumers, brands will have to come out of their fossilized mindset and become accountable to their consumers at all time.

Milking the Opportunity

Next year, the best brands will not be those who allocate the biggest pie to marketing or design. The finest brands will be those that invest in creating a transparent structure that gives an accurate and real time picture of what they are doing in the interest of the consumer. The key to success is to have a favourable consumer perception and opinion -create an environment where the consumer feels empowered, satisfied and not cheated. For instance, a quick response time on a query on the facebook page of the brand is an easy way to earn a loyal customer. The digital world of tomorrow, whether it is connected to a consumer or brand will have to be focused on creating genuine solutions that meet the expectations of the consumer in every possible way.

The year 2015 will bring with itself new challenges, opportunities and potential for brands, to push their boundaries of imagination and creativity. That being said, this year looks to be an exciting year for both digital marketers and consumers, alike.